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Life is like a rollercoaster, never know when you'll drop down and die.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
well there r lots of things i already forgot, so this is what i remember:
during the scout june camp, the sec 2s n sec 3s had to build the tent while the sec 1s did their cooking, after building the tent, we had to build a clothes n shoes rack, n my whole patrol made me build the rack by myself, as they did not know how to tie the knots except the patrol leader. that nite we had nite games, n my patrol got scolded for not playing properly. after the games, some sec 2s had a meeting with the leader, during the meeting, we discussed abt the wat happened during the day. after that, some sec 2s had to do nite duty, n the nite duty was very fun, we went around to make sure everyone was slping, then one tent suddenly woke up n ran out of their tent, as their tent was infested with ants, so we had to find the source n get rid of it. after my sift, i went to slp in my patrol's tent, but there was no space, so i slept out in the open, it was very cooling.
the next day, when we had to lay out our items for inspection, we were too slow, so the leaders made us do a change parade, it was so tiring, after the change parade, the sec 2s had to build a structure for the gate way, my patrol leader fell sick, n so i had to teach the sec 1s knots while the sec twos build the structure, some sec twos did not build the structure, beacuse they did not know the knots, n that includes most of the sec twos in my patrol. after that, we had games, my fren n i got bored of the games, so we went n explored campsite, we found an ants nest, n i saw some warrior ants, the were huge, they were abt 2.5cm, while we were watching the ants, the leaders caught us, n scolded us. that nite the sec 2s had to come up with a skit for tomorrow nite's campfire, n the skit was very funny. after the planning, the sec 2s had the meeting again, then some sec 2s had to do nite duty again, but i could not, as the next day
on the last day, we had to lay out our items for inspection again, soon it started to rain, n we had to move all our things back into the tent, after the rain stopped, all our clothes n things were muddy, so we had to wear the same clothes for the whole day. after breakfast, all those taking the hike had to collect their hike bags n leave immediately afrter we took our checkpoints n planned our hike routes, because of the rain, one of my followers chose not to go. during the hike, i found another with the same checkpoints as me, so both of our groups went on the hike together. we walked till nite when we stopped at bukit batok nature reserve to rest for the nite, before we slept, my frens n i saw a scorpion next to us, so we kinda chases the scorpion away. the next day, after everyone filled up their bottles, we all left for the hike again. during the hike, my fren n i bought our followers drinks to cheer them up,(even though we were not supposed to buy anything), then on one of our checkpoints, all the hikers met each other at ngee ann poly, n everyone there bought drinks, some of us even bought big bottles of drinks. later on, when we were at holland road, it started to rain, n we all had to stop as there was lightning. after some time, my other fren n i chose to continue despite of the rain, not long after, my fren had to stop the hike as he had a flight to catch, so his followers followed me instead. after that, the leader called me to come back to school immediately, as it was getting late, so we took picture of our last checkpoint n took a taxi back to school, so in total, we walked abt 50km. all my followers passed, but i still had to make a log book before i could pass, but i chose not to do, as i was not weel prepared for this hike, so i chose to do another hike at the end of the year.

two weeks later, i had a patrol leaders training camp, n on the first day, we had to give everyone in our patrol a role, i was the first one to get a role, my role was a scribe, so i had to do lots of admin work. that nite, some of the sec twos had to plan for the campfire for the next day, n i had to go, cos the leaders suddenly made me the scribe for the whole thing, so i had to stay up late to write stuff. after we were done, we went to slp, half an hour later, we had to wake up again, as the leaders made us do a fire drill, some ppl chose not to wake up, n so they did not come, as a result we had to knock it down, we were in the push up position till our skin came off, it was a little bit painful. after that, we went to slp again, when we woke up, we had pe, then we had breakfast, then we had lectures again, n we had to plan for ourselves wat to do for games. that nite, we had a campfire, it was very fun, n even though i was not one of the mcs, i went to help as well. after that, we had supper n then we had a bath, then we went to slp. on the last day, it was very slack, we all had pe, then breakfast then we packed our bags then we got dismissed. after we got dismissed, everyone bought drinks n food like fried chicken.

national day was coming, n some sec 2s were chosen to march, n i was one of them, we had a few rehearsals, it was fun.

on one of the weeks, i was very busy, i had to cancel my tuition, on monday n thursday i had rehearsals, on tuesday, i had project work, on wednesday, i had a scout meeting to plan for that week's meeting, on friday, i went to run my nafa 2.4, this time i passed because i ran, for the past few years, i just walked, so i failed.

on my fren's birthday, i bought her a care bear, but i gave her the present the day before her birthday.

two days ago, after school, i went two the church office to play tai ti whit the church's marriage councilor, as i could not play in school.

yesterday, the scout meeting was quite fun , then for the rest of the day, it was ok.

on tuesday, i will b goin to watch the yog athletics, i can't wait:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
the past few days, i could not use the com, n so i already forgotten most of the things, so i'll just write wat i can...
some other day later, my dnt project was due the next day, i went to jason's(my fren) house to complete the car, but could not, so when i came home, my father and i tried to improve the car(we stayed up until about 1.30 to finish the car), and my father did most of the improvement, so the next day, my fren benedict and i went to improve the car more, and the car managed to move about 11 to 12 metres, and so my group passed.

some other day later, i fell sick, and did not go school, so i missed my nafa 2.4, and i just slacked at home for 3 days, as i refused to drink some chinese medicine which mostly can cure me in one night, and thats all i can remember for today.

the next day i had free food, and some lesson about how to get new sources of energy for singapore, and thats all i can remember for that day.

the next day, i had my nafa 5 stations, then after that i went home for e-learning.

yesterday, i had school, and while playing soccer, a soccer ball ramed into my head by accident, so i stopped playing for that day. at night, i had chinese tuition, and i was so tired that i almost slept a few times.

today, i had to take my 2.4, but i kinda couldn't find the place for the 2.4, so i just skipped it and came home. then the rest of the day was just very boring(actually i'm just too tired and lazy to write any more), except now when i'm writing my blog.

yes finally i can write my blog and finish writing it...

Sunday, March 14, 2010
today, was family day, i went to watch alice in wonderland, and also went to visit my grand aunt, as she just had an operation. so thats all for today.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
yesterday was so fun,i could wake up late, n then, i could skip cross country, n then in school, i got a free tennis ball, i owned a teacher, n then during investure, i was slacking as i was the receptionist.

then today, scout job week, some scouts cheated by starting 1 week earlier, so i only earned 13 dollars, so sad, but then, i still earned money.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
everything i did for the past two days is the same, except for rehersaling for my scouts investure.

thats the end such a waste of time reading and typing this.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
i was chosen for the sch's founder's day parade but then later i screwed up a bit then i was made reserve, then other stuff i could not remember.

but last week tuesday, i went to Bintan for sec 2 camp, and i was quite nice, as i saw my frens getting fried in the sun while i was like sun proof, and in the camp, on the first day, i tried farming which was not as easy as i thought, and on the first day, we also visited two homes, one of the homes made money by opening a salon, while the other sold satay, i went to try the satay which was the best i ever tasted, but good things comes in small packages, but in that household, they kept a very cute puppy, a very cute kitten, a very cute monkey(which everyone called him jia chen), and a cat, i carried the kitten which was white, while the puppy kept running away from us.

the next day, we had jungle trekking, which was so fun, and i was the 11th to finish the climb, and i almost lost my life a few times, once i was about to fall to my death, i grabed a tree, and the tree had spikes on it(so painful), i then hurriedly grabbed another tree branch.

the next day we had geo something which was like the amazing race, then later we had dragon boating, and my team won both races in speed, but the second race, we had no teamwork, that night, we had a campfire which was very fun, after the campfire, i went for a run as my muscles felt very weak and i could not run properly.

the next day, we packed our stuff and left for singapore, when i came back, i went to bishan park to run again.

the next day, i had to go scouts, which was very tiring, then the rest of the day was the same.

the next day, was the same except when my father cooked dinner, as it was a very long time since he cooked.

then yesterday, my laptop was finally fixed after very long. i had chinese tuition, and my chinese teacher told on me, then i had a scolding today morning, then i went to pass up my chinese work then every thing was the same.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
yesterday learnt the basic on how to moonwalk, n i also improved my dm deck.

today, in the morning, when Ian me n some other fren which i 4got his name, sat down at a table, then Ian suddenly said"y ur keep on sitting here, can change table?", then we all got up to find another table to sit at, then i suggested that we sit at the gay's table n then see wat the gays would do when they come, so we waited, then the 1st gay came, n he looked at us, then he got angry(he was like gay type of angry), then he sat at another table nearby, then Ian said"owned", then we waited for another gay, then when the other gay came, the 1st gay complained to her n said"here got so many table then they must sit at our table", we then started laughing, then Ian suddenly said"i think we better leave, if i continue to sit at this table, i think i would turn into a gay", so we went to get the soccer ball n then Ian went to play soccer, while i played something else.

after sch, i improved my deck even more, then i also went to buy jeans, n then i went to eat indian food for dinner, then i came home, then i took a bath, then i now using com to write blog.

Welcome to homeof-jelly.blogspot.com
I will be 14, on this 19 of November


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I luv GOD
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
August 2010

credits to kailanime