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Life is like a rollercoaster, never know when you'll drop down and die.
Monday, January 25, 2010
today, in the morning, i felt very tired n felt like slping again, n then in sch, i played soccer in the morning, n then i slept in math class, n then my frens woke me up, then in lit, we watched animal farm, then after sch, i had to stay back to practice flag raising for next week. then when i reached home, i went to bathe, n then when i came out, i took the container of biscuits n ate it in the room while studying, then later i had chinese tuition, then after chinese tuition, i played monopoly world edition on i-phone, then later, i ate ny dinner at around 9.30, then now copying down my math work into an excercise bk, n also writing blog, facebking as well then i'll go n slp, as i feel very tired, n i also hav a very terrible headache.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

on friday, my frens n i had to teach the scout promise n the scout law to the cub scouts, n then from 11pm, we played table soccer, then from 12+ am , we played monopoly till a certain time i do not know, then when we were slping(we slept in an air-con room unlike the other secondary sch scouts who must slp in the classrooms, n we could also choose wat time we wanted to slp), some of me frens went to draw on our hands n one of my frens got drawn on the face, so fun.

then on sat, we played some games wif the cub scouts, then we went to henry park primary for a campfire, then when we went back to sch, i had a bath, as i did not bathe the day b4, n i smelled very bad.then after that we played soccer in the room, we also had donuts, cake, green tea, winter melon tea, coke, n some of my frens also had sushi. 4 the green tea, we played rock paper siscors(sry bad english, 4got how to spell sicors), and whoever looses, would have to drink 1 mouth full.

the next day, we had sprite, and ice lemon tea. then later we slacked a bit, then i went to the fish pond, when i came back into the room, my frens had already left, leaving me to clear the rubbish, off the air-con.

after that, i had my lunch, then i went home. when i reached home, i took a bath, went to eat alittle bit a gain, as my parents did not know i ate already n so they bought 4 me food, and so i ate a bit to make them feel that their efforts don't go to waste, then after that i went to slp till dinner time, then i got up ate my dinner, did my chinese tuition hmk, then now writing my blog, then i will go pack my sch bag which has not much to pack as most of my bks r at sch, then get my uniform rdy, then "go to slp."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

on wednesday, when i was going home from school, the dead bird i saw the other time, was still there, so i took another picture, as this time the bird was more squashed, then later i had tuition, n it was quite nice.

today, even though i was excused from pe, i still did the barker run, then later during chinese, my teacher did not come, and there was also no relief teaacher, so my frens n i had to control the class, as my fren n i are monitors, while the other was not.

after school, i had to stay back to help plan for the cub scout recruit camp, as 5 of my frens n i are in charge of the cub scout recruit.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

yesterday, i had a very boring day, but on my way home, i saw a dead bird, i think it was squashed by a bus.

today, was quite ok, as i went to visit the boy's town, and i realised that there are many people less fortunate than me. in the boy's town, 80% of the boy's are there because they were abused, or their parents cannot take care of them, or they have no homes. the other 20% of the boy's are there because they are bpc (beyond parental control). in there, they had a gym, 10 computers for 600 people, a pool table and 2 table soccer.
and after school, the boys would have 2 hours of free time, after that, they would have 2hours of excercise, then they would have their dinner, then from 7 to 9 is their study time.

Saturday, January 16, 2010
while the past few days, i had cip, and today, i had scouts, and i could not believe that derick is the apl, as i wanted that role,, but since he got it, i would have not choice but to let it be and work harder for next year to be a pl.

anyway, i had drill today, and it was fun to me. and today, in church, we had photo taking, and after that, i had salmon for dinner, then i watched star wars ep 5, and i think i may be watching star wars ep 6 later.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

yesterday i had scouts, n i learnt knots 2, and also got ready a cheer 4 the sec 1s next wk. after that, i went to church, n met my cousin han there, as on sunday he would hav a sec 2 camp so he can't come to church on sunday. then in fuel, we played some games.

later in the service, pastor andy preached to us, n he preached abt giving, n while he was preaching, i kept taking pictures of gummi bears.

today, was quite boring, as i just studied, n then lunch then study, then rest, then dinner, my whole family had shark's fin soup, roast duck, baked fish and vegetables.

after that i played l4d2, then off the com, then went to bathe, then brought the com to me parents room n then out of the room again, then now writing my blog then i would bring the laptop to my parents room again, then come back to my room to slp.

Friday, January 8, 2010
today my whole leg seriously hurts, and wats more is tomorrow i still hav scouts, so i hope that tomorrow they hav no drill.

anyway,there were only 80 sec 1s joining scouts, n the sec 1s r so wat lor, as they tackle their own teammates in soccer, they just want 2 hav the ball. then 1 sec 1 just kick the ball when we wanted to kick the ball, and then we never ask him to kick also, and some more he kick to the other team.

i seriously do not know wat 2 say, but anyway they r sec 1s,they would learn

Thursday, January 7, 2010

yesterday, i had to mop the whole classroom from 1.30 to 5pm cause, the fish tank in my class broke and all the water came out, and it was so tiring.

today, it was more fun, as in chinese lesson, when my chinese teacher asked my classmate a question, he replied the question with a china accent.

then after school, i went to help the scouts out, for tomorrow's cca open house.

Friday, January 1, 2010

in 2009, 30 n 31st dec, i went to sch 4 scouts stuff, then on 31st at night, i went for watchnight, then in the service, they ask ppl on wat they want to give thanks to god 4, then beverley one of the frens i met in the church camp, she gave thanks to god for her psle, then she said she tot she cound only get 240, but then she prayed to god for wisdom n help, n asked him 4 3a*s and 1a, and she got it so damn smart lor.

then after the countdown my family n i went to the cell leaders house for breakfast, then we went home and i slept till 12.10 then got up, ate my lunch, n we had very nice chicken, as my father went to roast chicken.

after that, we went to visit my grandmother, as the last time i saw her, her saliaver glan (sry i nono how 2 spell) swelled up very badly, then i went home to slp again, until 3, then got up to bathe then went out wif the cell group 4 a pinic during the pinic, we played some games, n there were also monkeys there waiting for us to leave, so they could take the food, then after the pinic, we went to eat dinner, then the cell group came to my house, (they are still here).

Welcome to homeof-jelly.blogspot.com
I will be 14, on this 19 of November


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*Jolyn* Tavis* Trica* Cherie* Bella*


I luv GOD
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
August 2010

credits to kailanime